Associated factors related to knowledge and practice of hypertension preventions of people living in Ha Hoa, Phu Tho, 2018

Ngô Văn Toàn, Vũ Thuý Hương Lê, Trần Quỳnh Anh, Trần Minh Hải, Lê Quang Thọ

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Hypertension has been an important public health concern globally. However, hypertensions could be prevented based on people’s knowledge and practice. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 515 participants to examine their knowledge and practice for preventing hypertension. The study was conducted in Ha Hoa, Phu Tho in 2018. Our results showed the association between hypertension preventation and age, gender, career, and economic status. In addition, female had better knowledge than male (OR=1.5; 95%CI: 1.04-2.08). People with the right knowledge had 2.2 odds of correct practice, compared to people having incorrect knowledge. Our results indicated important evidence supporting the increase of life quality in Ha Hoa, Phu Tho.

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