21. The quality of life of people at 40 years old and older in Ha Nam province in 2019 and some associated factors

Ngo Tri Tuan, Dam Trong Anh Vu, Trinh Thi Thanh Mai, Ngo Lan Trinh, Nguyen Tuyet Nhi, Vu Thi Huong Giang, Nguyen Cao Duy

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As the Vietnamese  population is gradually aging, the quality of life of the aging age group is an issue of concern. Many studies on the quality of life of the elderly have been conducted recently, yet aging is a process that begins as early as middle age. We conducted this research to characterize the quality of life of adults aged 40 and up in Ha Nam, studying aspects associated with people's quality of life. A cross-sectional descriptive study method was carried out by directly interviewing 847 individuals aged 40 and up in Ha Nam based on the available structured questionnaire.   Results show that 65.5% of respondents rank their quality of life as good or higher. Access to health education from health professionals and social support from friends are both favorably connected with the quality of life. Subjects with a chronic  illness, anxiety, and stress, on the other hand, had a worse quality of life.

Article Details


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