14. Treatment of genital prolapse with laparoscopic pectopexy

Tran Ngoc Dung, Tran Bao Long, Luu Quang Dung, Nguyen Duc Phan, Nguyen Thu Vinh, Hoang Dinh Au

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The study aimed to evaluate the initial results of laparoscopic pectopexy in the treatment of genital prolapse. 32 patients with grade III and IV genital prolapse underwent surgery within 18 months. The rates of intraoperative and postoperative complications were low at 3.1% and 6.2%, respectively. Recurrence rate was 3.1%. Postoperative pain levels were primarily moderate and low. Patients recovered swiftly with a short hospital stay averaging 4 to 5 days. Quality of life changed clearly after surgery, with the PFDI and PFIQ scores decreasing from 112.51 to 18.75 and 95.21 to 13.54, respectively. Initial results show this is a safe and effective method.

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