Compliance with early essential obstetrics and newborn care following cesarean section at the international hospital in Hanoi

Minh Thi Lê, Thi Thu Huong, Dinh Thi Phuong Hoa

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The purpose of this study is to evaluate compliance of health workers with early essential obstetrics and newborn care (EENC) immediately following cesarean section at the International Hospital in Hanoi. The cross sectional study was performed with 122 cases in 1/2018 to 10/2018 using the Vietnamese national standards of reproductive health services with the cutting point is 28/34. The results showed the rate of compliance with EENC following cesarean section were 62.3%, dry the baby for 5 seconds (81.1%), skin-to-skin (100%), oxytocin injection (100%), late clamping (93.4%), early feeding in the first hour (80.3%), early feeding in the first 90 minutes (100%). There were 3 steps that not correctly performed: Checking for any second child (95.1%); the second clamp at 3 cm from the first clamp (86.1%); Non drain the cord of blood (33.6%). The compliance rate to WHO criteria reached 81.1%. WE recommend that hospitals provides support to staff for maintaining good practices and improving the steps that are not taken or being taken late.


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