30. Epidemiological characteristics of covid-19 the 4th time and some response measures in Bac Ninh province 2021

Do Thi Thanh Toan, Nguyen Khac Tu, Pham Quang Thai, Pham Hai Thanh, Ha Duc Doanh, Phan Ngoc Han, Tran Thi Thuy Thanh

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The COVID-19 pandemic placed heavy burdens on the health of people and the health systems of governments around the world. Since 2020, Vietnam has had 4 outbreaks of COVID-19. This study was carried out by a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive method with all COVID-19 infections in the fourth wave of Bac Ninh in 2021 (5/5/2021 - 27/12/2021). Among 10,717 cases, the average age is 28.95 years old, of which the main age group is from 15 to 39 years old, accounting for 70.44%; occupational diseases with the highest risk of infection are workers, accounting for 60. 94%; infection from contact among colleagues in the same agency or same company accounts for the highest rate up to 61.88%. Que Vo 1 Industrial Park has the highest number of cases in the province, accounting for 68.15%. The number of cured cases was as high as 99.84% and the number of deaths accounted for 0.16%. The coordinated application of timely and reasonable measures such as accelerating testing and vaccination against COVID-19 has helped Bac Ninh province to control the number of cases and effectively prevent more infection. Our study provides important evidence on the epidemiology of the 4th COVID-19 epidemic, which was mainly recorded in industrial areas and from there in the community. The research results suggest appropriate response would successfully control, and prevent similar epidemics in the future.

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