27. The pattern and treatment of pathological pregnancy and gynecologic diseases in the obstetrics - gynecology department - Hanoi General Hospital of traditional medicine in 2018 - 2019

Nguyen Thi Thanh Tu, Đang Truc Quynh

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The diseases pattern of the Obstetrics – gynecology department in a traditional medicine hospital has its own typical characteristics. Based on the diseases pattern, the department can develop appropriate plans in educating, training, investing, and promoting its strength to enhance the patients’ treatment results. This retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the pattern and treatment of pathological pregnancy and gynecologic diseases in the Obstetrics – gynecology department – Hanoi General Hospital of Traditional Medicine in 2018 – 2019. Among 577 patients enrolled, the most common  incidences were risk of spontaneous abortion, risk of preterm labor, female genital prolapse, uterus fibrosis, breast abscess, breast inflammation, menorrhagia, and menopause. The majority of the patients received  modern medicine combinedwith traditional medicine (95.8%); 4.2% of patients underwent surgeries.

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