20. Results of electro-acupuncture at the "QT1" group of acupoints on the patients suffering from urinary retention after thoracolumbar spine trauma surgery

Nguyen Thi Thanh Tu, Nguyen Tuyet Trang, Ta Dang Quang

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This study aimed to describe the results of electro-acupuncture therapy at the "QT1" group of acupoints in the treatment of urinary retention after thoracolumbar spine trauma surgery and surveys some factors related to the treatment outcome. The study was designed as an interventional clinical study, comparing results before and after treatment. 32 patients diagnosed with urinary retention after surgery for thoracolumbar spine trauma were administered electro-acupuncture at the "QT1"group of acupoints including bilateral CV6, CV4, CV3, CV2, SP10 for 20 minutes/time/day. The study results showed that the proportion of patients having successful urinary catheter withdrawal was 87.5%. The average number of electroacupuncture sessions was 6.1 ± 4 (times). The severity of neurological injury according to Frankel grade, the size of distended bladder and the sensation/no sensation to pass urine before the procedure all significantly affected the results of the electroacupuncture (p < 0.05).

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