8. Management of blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipidin coronary patients after stenting in Thanh Hoa General Hospital

Hoang Thi Thu Huong, Trinh Quoc Dat, Ho Thi Kim Thanh

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This study was conducted to describe the management of blood pressure, blood glucose and lipidemia in patients with coronary stent. This is a-cross-sectional descriptive study composed of 128 patients with coronary stent at Thanh Hoa General Hospital. Results show that 10.2% achieved the goal of three factors of blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, 48.4% achieved at least 2 factors and 12.5% ​​did not achieve any goal. The proportion of patients with good control of blood pressure and all 3 risk factors tended to increase with age. Overweight and obese patients had a lower rate of blood glucose control reaching the goal than the normal BMI group. Women tend to have poorer management of multiple cardiac risk factors than men, particularly in blood glucose and lipid control. In conclusion, the management rate of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with coronary artery disease after stenting is low and is related to age and sex.

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