5. The improvement of lumbar spine’s motor function effect of electroacupuncture combined with “Doc hoat thang” in patients with low back pain due to lumbar spondylosis

Ngo Quynh Hoa, Phung Thi Khanh Linh, Dang Truc Quynh

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Low back pain is a common condition in the community and is also one of the main skeletal – muscular disorders which forces the patients to go to the hospital. “Doc hoat thang” is an ancient remedy effective for the treatment of low back pain due to lumbar spondylosis in our clinical practice. The study was designed as a controlled clinical interventional study, comparing before and after treatment, to evaluate the efficacy in improving the motor function of the lumbar spine of electroacupuncture combined with “Doc hoat thang”. Results: the group using “Doc hoat thang” has remarkable changes in the Schober index, the lumbar spine’s flexion measurement index and range of movement when comparing to those at the baseline (p < 0,05). There was no significantly different outcome between the electroacupuncture – “Doc hoat thang” group and the electroacupuncture – “Doc hoat ky sinh thang” (p > 0.05)


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