Diagnosis of medulloblastoma in Viet Duc Hospital

Phạm Thanh Tuân

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The study aims to diagnose medulloblastoma in 24 medulloblastoma surgery patients at Viet Duc hospital with histopathological results, from 1/2018 to 10/2019. The results showed that patient aged from 2 - 34, the mean age was 12.12 years old. The ratio male / female was 1.2/1. 12.5% had tumor in the cerebella hemisphere, 87.5% in cerebella vermis. Hydrocephalus occurred in 70.83%, headache was 91.66%. In conclusion, edulloblastoma was diagnosed as Grade IV tumor with headache, vomit, and cannot walk normally. The tumor size was almost > 30mm located in the in cerebella vermis. The definitive diagnosis post - surgery was based on histopathology.

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