9. Blood glucose disorders in elderly patients with stented coronary arteries

Ho Thi Kim Thanh, Le Van Cuong, Le Thi Hoai

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This is a cross sectional descriptive study of blood glucose disorders of elderly patients with stented coronary arteries treated at Thanh Hoa Provincial General Hospital. In 87 patients over 60 years of age who had coronary artery stent implanted in 2021 66.6% were pre-diabetic, where fasting blood sugar disorder accounted for 19.54%, a reduction of Glucose tolerance after oral glucose tolerance test accounted for 19.54% and 51.72% of the patients had diabetes. Among the diabetic patients, 26.43% had known pre-existing diabetes, and 25.28% had new diabetes detected by fasting blood glucose test or by glucose tolerance test. Patients was mostly men between 60 - 70 years old, with higher rates of smoking, obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and damaged coronary artery branches.

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