Molecular characteristics and relationship with clinical severity of dengue virus type 1 in the 2017 outbreak

Đặng Thị Thúy, Lê Văn Duyệt, Bùi Vũ Huy

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This study was conducted to investigate some of the molecular characteristics and correlation with clinical severity of DEN - 1 strains in the 2017 outbreak. Multi - center study was implemented from July 2017 to December 2017 at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City on 188 dengue hemorrhagic fever patients ≥ 6 years old with PCR (+) with DEN - 1. Results showed that the genome of 55 strains of DEN - 1 causing the outbreak in 2017 was successfully decoded. Genome included 10,697 nucleotides, encoded an open reading frame for 3392 amino acid. DEN - 1 strains belonged to genotype 1 and had a high level of amino acid variation in most genes (4.6%). The genetic origin was still the strains that were reported previously in Vietnam. There was a relationship between the four amino acid substitutions 67, 126 (NS2A); 94 (NS2B) and 821 (NS5) with severe dengue hemorrhagic fever. In conclusion, research has showed the origin, genetic variation of the DEN - 1 strains in Vietnam and the relationship between amino acid substitutions with clinical levels.

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