28. Self-assessment competencies in nursing practice among nurses at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital
Main Article Content
The competency of practicing nurses substantially affects the quality of care and patient safety. This study aims to describe the competency in nursing practice by self-assessment of nurses and analyze the related factors at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted on 143 nurses in April and May 2022. The self-assessment competency in nursing practice consists of 60 questions corresponding to 60 criteria out of 15 standards in the field in patient care of The basic competency standards of Vietnam nurses. The study results showed that the average score of competency in nursing practice was 229.4 ± 27.3/ 300 points with the rate of achievement accounted for 76.9%. There is a statistically significant association between the patient care competency with job satisfaction (OR = 4.03 and p = 0.003) and the effectiveness of training course (OR = 5.97 and p = 0.003). Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen continuous training nursing program and increase job satisfaction to improve patient care competency.
Article Details
Competencies in Nursing Practice, nurse, clinical, self-assessment
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