29. Prevalence and demand of health care through telemedicine services of patients with chronic diseases in Central Vietnam
Main Article Content
While the COVID-19 epidemic continues to hinder people's access to health care system, the burden of disease and death from chronic diseases continues to increase unceasingly. Applying Telemedicine model in healthcare for patients with chronic diseases is an essential condition to ensure the connection between doctors and patients. The purposes of this research are to (1) describe the prevalence and demand of health care through Telemedicine of patients with chronic diseases in central Vietnam, (2) determine factors related to the demand of using Telemedicine. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study, quantitative method on 470 chronic disease patients, being treated at Hue City Health Center and Son Tra District Health Center, Da Nang from 01/2022 to 06/2022. The common chronic diseases were cardiovascular disease (75.3%) and diabetes (60.6%). 26.6% of patients with chronic diseases were aware of telemedicine service and 5.7% are using this service. 47.7% expect to use this service in the future. Patients most wanted to access personal health consultation by phone (82%) with the main purpose of ensuring continuous health monitoring at home (51.4%). Factors associated with the demand for Telemedicine services are: education level, duration of chronic illness, knowledge of Telemedicine and access to information technology ability. Patients still have not been able to access and use Telemedicine services regularly, but the demand is relatively large. The application of Telemedicine services in chronic patient care helps to ensure the continuity of monitoring and treatment of chronic diseases, thereby improving individual patients’s health as well as benefiting the community.
Article Details
Demand, Telemedicine, chronic diseases
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