14. Prevalence of anemia in patients with advanced HIV disease at ARV clinics in Vietnam

Vu Quoc Dat, Le Thi Hoa, Nguyen Thuy Linh, Nguyen The Hung, Nguyen Le Hiep

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Anaemia is a common complication of HIV infection especially among patients with advanced disease stages, but it is also associated with the use of some antiretrovirals (ARV). We conducted a retrospective study to determine the prevalence of anemia in Vietnamese patients with advanced HIV disease. HIV patients aged above 18 years with advanced HIV were included in the study. The overal prevalence of anemia was 53.3% (695/1034). The proportions of mild, moderate and severe anemia were 26.2%, 22.4% và 4.7%, respectively. The rate of anemia was higher in patients with lower CD4 count (53.4% in patients with CD4 count < 100 cell/mm3 vs 42.5% in those with CD4 from 100 - 200 cells/mm3). Extrapulmonary tuberculosis was the most common opportunistic infection associated with anemia. In conclusion, anemina is common among patients with advanced HIV disease. The implementation of comprehensive advanced HIV package care is essential to assess the cause of anemia and reduce the mortality.

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