20. Some measurements and indexs of cranial-facial of kinh age from 18 to 25 of Ha Noi and Binh Duong
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Purpose of research: We conducted a study on direct anthropometric measurements on 7376 Kinh people by cross-sectional descriptive method with the aim of determining some craniofacial dimensions of Kinh people aged 18 - 25 in Hanoi and Binh Duong and classification some craniofacial indexes of Kinh people aged 18 - 25 according to Martin and Saller. We obtained the results as follows: The mean values of craniofacial dimensions in males were larger than those in females. Most of cranial form was ultrabrachycephalic in male (40.32%), and in female (41%). Most of facial form of male was very wide (44.88%), most of facial form of female was medium (32.71%) and wide (30.1%). Nasal form was medium in male (43%) and in famale (46%). Mandibular form was wide in male (92.93%), and in female (98.44%). Cranial form was ultrabrachycephalic, the total facial index was wide-faced, the nose index was medium, the mandibular index was wide and not protruding
Article Details
Craniofacial measurement, craniofacial index, Kinh
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