35. Knowledge, practices of dental care among mothers having children study at two kindergartens in Thai Binh city in 2019

Le Thi Kieu Hanh

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Children’s dental status was good when their mothers had a positive attitude on children’s dental care. Therefore, the mother plays an important role in taking care of children’s dental health. The research with objective to assess the knowledge, practiceamong mothers toward children’s dental health at two kindergartens in Thai Binh city. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in 356 mothers of children in two kindergartens named Hoa Phuong and De Tham in Thai Binh city. The research using anonymous self-reported questionnaires. The results showed 77.2% of mothers knew that eating lots of candies was the cause of tooth decay; 91.3% of them were aware that black spots appearing on children’s teeth were the symptom of tooth decay. Concerning the prevention of dental caries by tooth brushing every day, 86.8% of the mothers gave the correct answer. The overall rate of mothers having good knowledge and practice on preventing children’s oral diseases was 29.2% and 11.5% respectively.

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