29. Surgical treatment of nasal deformity in rhinophyma: A case report

Pham Thi Viet Dung, Ta Thi Hong Thuy, Nguyen Anh Dat

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Rhinophyma is characterized by nasal deformity due to progressive hypertrophy of the sebaceous and subcutaneous tissues of the nose. This disease is common in Caucasians but very rare in Asians. This article described the clinical features, operative process and the results of a Vietnamese male patient, 79 years old, with a rhinophyma at severe grade according to el-Azhary and stage 4 according to Clark, who was effectively treated by surgery. With rhinophyma disease, clinical symptoms are suggestive and pathology will help confirm the diagnosis. There are several available methods for treatment of rhinophyma, each has its own pros and cons. However, surgery to remove the lesion and cover the defect is the best choice for severe cases.

Article Details


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