23. The Role of 18F-FDG PET/CT in diagnosis for non-small cell lung cancer at National Cancer Hospital

Vu Hong Thang, Do Thi Thu Nga, Tran Thang, Pham Lam Son

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This study aimed to assess the role of PET/CT in staging for non-small cell lung cancer at the National cancer hospital. The distant metastastic frequencies detected by PET/CT were   significantly higherthan by conventional methods. The percentages of detection in bone, adrenal gland, contralateral lung, pleura by conventional methods and by PET/CT were 20.1%; 5.8%; 13.6%; 1.5% and 25%; 11.7%; 7.4%; 9.7%, respectively. PET/CT did not detect any brain metastasis in all 9 cases although MRI did show evidence of metastasis.  Cancer staging was changed in 34% of patients, in which understaging accounted for 22.8%, and overstaging accounted for 11.2%. After PET/CT, the treatment strategy was modified accordingly. We suggest that PET/CT should be included in the diagnostic work-up of patients with lung cancer, since it provides useful information to select appropriate cancer treatment.

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