14. Research of mmp-9 concentrations in the plasma of preeclamptic pregnant women

Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Le Ngoc Anh, Do Tung Dac

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MMP-9 (Matrix metalloproteinase 9) is an enzyme in the protease family called matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) – a family of extracellular matrix proteolytic enzymes. MMP-9 plays many roles in pregnancy and the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. This study was carried out on two groups of pregnant women, including 58 healthy pregnant as controls and 58 preeclamptic patients to determine the concentration of MMP-9 in the plasma of pregnant women, thereby investigating the relationship between MMP-9 level and preeclampsia. The concentration of MMP-9 was determined by the quantitative ELISA technique. The results showed that the plasma concentrations of MMP-9 in the control and patient groups were 411.95 ± 336.66 and 286.41 ± 208.83 (ng/ml), respectively. The concentration of MMP-9 in the plasma of the patient group is lower than that of the control group, and this difference is statistically significant with 95% confidence (p = 0.044). In addition, MMP-9 levels are associated with systolic blood pressure and edema in preeclamptic women.

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