26. The situation of communical health worker participation against Covid-19 in some key provinces in 2021, 2022
Main Article Content
The study aims to describe the current status of health workers related to knowledge training, personal protective equipment, tasks, psychological problems and rate of infection when participated in COVID-19 prevention and control program at the commune level in some key provinces in 2021, 2022. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study . The study results show that, in 2021, the proportion of commune health workers receiving training in knowledge, diagnosis, classification, prevention and treatment of COVID-19 disease and personal protection before participating in the fight against the pandemic accounted more than 90%. By 2022, the rate of re-training was quite low. The percentage of commune health workers being equipped with medical equipment by the local accounted for 75% - 100% while the support for food and water, transportation waslow. The rate of anxiety about being infected with COVID-19 gradually decreased from 78% to 22.2% through the period of participating in the fight against the pandemic; the rate of anxiety about shortage of masks gradually decreased from 49.5% to none. The majority of commune health workers had been diagnosed with COVID-19 (99.4%), 96.3% of health workers with COVID-19 have symptoms, 35.8% have persistent COVID-19 symptoms, the majority of health workers have been vaccinated against COVID-19 (56.7% received 02 doses of vaccine).
Article Details
Healthwworkers, COVID 19, commune level
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