27. Depression, anxiety, and stress of health employees during Covid-19 and some associated factors in Hanoi kidney Hospital in 2020

Ngo Tri Tuan, Nguyen Thi Lap, Phan Tung Linh, Nguyen Cao Duy

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The COVID-19 pandemic has placed significant psychological and mental health strain on the community and people, particularly health workers who are directly or indirectly active in COVID-19 pandemic prevention. It is necessary to undertake study on the mental health state of medical personnel during the pandemic  to develop suitable policies and strategies to improve employee health and working circumstances. A cross-sectional descriptive research of 135 medical personnel  at Hanoi Kidney Hospital was conducted to assess the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress among healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data was collected using a self-completion questionnaire and the REDCap online data collection and management program. Research results show that the mental health status of medical staff at Hanoi Kidney Hospital is mostly normal, with only 4.4% showing signs of depression, 3.0% anxiety and 0.7% stress. Factors associated with depression include the direct labor of screening infected patients and the implementation of logistical and technical work at the location of infected patients. The number of hours worked each day, a decrease in income, and the requirement to physically screening  patients for COVID-19 are all factors that might contribute to anxiety.

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