17. Falls among older outpatients: prevalence, characteristics and consequences after falls

Ha Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Ngoc Tam, Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu, Pham Thang, Vu Thi Thanh Huyen

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The study aimed to investigate the incidence, and factors associated with falls and physical consequences among older outpatients. A prospective study  for 3 years from 03/2018 to 3/2021 was conducted in 636 outpatients aged 60 or older at the National Geriatric Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam. Results: 226 participants (35.5%) fell during the 1 year period. The majority of falls occurred indoors, mainly in the bedrooms (61.1%) and bathrooms (41.6%); Falls most often were caused by slips (52.2%). Risk factors associated with increased risk of falls were age 80 years and older (OR = 2.9), history of falls (OR = 2.0),  and taking psychotropic medications (OR = 1.7). After falls, injury is reported in 44.2% of cases in which, 32 patients (14.2%) had a fracture, 23 people (10.2%) were immobilized.  one patient died. I Thenjury severity generally tended to be worse in women and people aged ≥ 80 years. The high rates of falls and fall-related injuries imply that older outpatients need proper attention,  and a safe living environment suitable for the elderly is necessary to reduce falls and injuries.

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