36. Effectiveness of the public-private partnership model in improving knowledge, attitude, and practice of tuberculosis care among healthcare workers in private healthcare sector in Hanoi

Ngo Minh Do, Nguyen Dang Vung, Doan Bao Ngoc, Nguyen Binh Hoa

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In order to assess the effectiveness of the PPM model intervention in changing the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of healthcare workers in the private healthcare sector, we conducted a community intervention study involving over 500 healthcare workers in private healthcare facilities in Hanoi. The interventions included training sessions on tuberculosis (TB) for healthcare workers, support for testing at private TB diagnostic and treatment facilities, assistance with disease reporting, and financial support. Following the intervention, there was an improvement in knowledge regarding TB symptoms, including "fatigue and weight loss" (effectiveness index: 11.41%) and "chest pain and difficulty breathing" (effectiveness index: 18.23%). There was an increase in the frequency of correct practices, including disease reporting (effectiveness index: 24.61%), ordering HIV testing in patients with TB symptoms (effectiveness index: 12.15%), wearing masks and hand hygiene before and after contact with TB patients (effectiveness index: 15.86%), avoiding face-to-face consultations with TB patients (effectiveness index: 33.07%), and a decrease in the frequency of incorrect practices, including ordering chest X-rays/CT scans for diagnosis (effectiveness index: 5.12%), not ordering sputum testing (effectiveness index: 34.15%), only ordering sputum testing for multidrug-resistant TB (effectiveness index: 57.26%), using medical masks during consultations with TB patients (effectiveness index: 5.01%), and closing the door during consultations with TB patients (effectiveness index: 34.75%). However, there was also an increase in negative perceptions related to integrating the PPM model into the facility operations, including "Burdensome and complex program," "Unnecessary additional duties," and "Difficult program content," with effectiveness indices of -8.33%, 3.3%, and -34.87% respectively. These are points to consider and appropriate interventions should be implemented to address  these issues before  implementing the PPM model nationwide.

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