12. Status of alcohol withdrawal and some related factors at Hanoi Mental Hospital

Pham The Van, Duong Minh Tam

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This study aimed to describe the prevalence of alcohol withdrawal and analyze some factors related to the severity level of alcohol withdrawal among 103 inpatients at Hanoi Mental Hospital. Alcohol withdrawal was determined using the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria. At the time of admission, the prevalence of alcohol withdrawal was 20.4%, and within 24 hours, the prevalence increased to 97.1%. After 48 hours of treatment, only 1.9% of patients were in severe alcohol withdrawal. Severe alcohol withdrawal is significantly more likely in patients with increased mean red blood cell volume (OR = 3.2; p = 0.005) and thrombocytopenia (OR = 2.6; p = 0.024). This study demonstrated the dynamic changes of alcohol withdrawal in inpatient settings, highlighting key clinical factors influencing the severity of withdrawal.

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