29. Condition of restrooms in inpatient ward at National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2023
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This study aimed to assess the condition of 162 restrooms in inpatient treatment ward, with a total of 648 assessments, at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2023. The study used the hospital restroom evaluation questionnaire issued under the Decision No. 5959/QD-BYT dated December, by the Ministry of Health. Results showed that the achievement rate of certain aspects of restroom quality, encompassing general conditions, restroom floors, fixtures, and utilities, ranges from 90.9% to 99.8%. The criteria with the lowest achievement rates were dry floor with no standing water (55.2%); no odor (66.5%); clean, spotless floors (67.1%); free of scattered litter (71.3%); urinal without feces or urine retention (76.4%); and proper waste disposal containers (76.7%). The criteria with the highest achievement rates were the availability of soap or handwashing liquid (98.8%); undamaged and unclogged restroom fixtures (99.4%); the presence of mirrors and clothing hooks (99.1%); the availability of handwashing and flushing water (100.0%); and non-fracture fixtures (100.0%). In conclusion, restroom’s general conditions, restroom floors, fixtures, and restroom equipment had achievement rates exceeding 90%. However, more work is needed to address foul odors; stains; litter-free environment; feces or urine retention in urinals; and proper waste disposal containers. Therefore, the hospital needs to implement interventions to improve these criteria and ensure the quality of hospital restroom.
Article Details
restroom, inpatient, hospital
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