27. Characteristics of self-learning techniques of medical students at Hanoi Medical University and related factors
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Our research aimed to provide Hanoi Medical University students who experienced a novel study program with insights into ten major self-learning techniques. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among second year to six year general practitioners at Hanoi Medical University, which described the correlation between self-learning techniques and related factors. Among 645 students participating in the research, the most used methods were practice testing (73.95%), highlighting/underlining (71.78%), and rereading (69.3%). Highlighting/underlining used as a primary technique in the average student group was seven times higher than the excellent group (p = 0.000). Excellent students tended to use the elaborative interrogation as the primary technique twice as much as good students. In conclusion, our study showed a correlation between the grade and the effectiveness of the self-learning techniques demonstrated in the theoretical and clinical exams.
Article Details
Self-learning technique, Hanoi Medical University, highlighting, rereading, elaborate interrogation.
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