33. Knowledge and attitude of nurses in preventing falls for patients at Cu Chi district Hospital
Main Article Content
Falls are common incidents not only in the community but also in hospitals. Nurses play an important role in minimizing disadvantages for patients. Therefore, assessing nurses' knowledge and attitudes regarding fall prevention is essential in preventing injuries and reducing fall-related health care costs. To determining the level of knowledge and attitudes of nurses in preventing falls for patients in the hospital. Descriptive study on 98 nurses at Cu Chi District Hospital. The rate of knowledge to prevent falls is at 87.7% and not at 12.3%. The proportion of nurses with a positive attitude is 76.5% and a unipositive attitude is 23.5%. The attitude of nurses in preventing falls for patients is at a relatively high level. However, it is necessary to improve the positive attitude of nurses in fall prevention activities. Hospitals need to have more training programs to improve nurses' knowledge.
Article Details
Falls prevention, knowledge, attitude, nursing
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