24. Knowledge and attitude about pregnancy and contraception of grade 10 students in Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City

Tran Thanh Thien Truc, Nguyen Toan Nhat, Nguyen Ngoc Minh

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Adolescent pregnancy is a global phenomenon with clearly known causes and serious health, social and economic consequences. Good knowledge and a positive attitude are the vital baseline for adolescents to have effective contraception behavior. From January to September 2023, 604 10th-grade students from 4 high schools in the Hoc Mon district (Ho Chi Minh City) were recruited into a cross-sectional study. The current study aims to evaluate the rate of correct knowledge, the rate of positive attitudes, and factors related to knowledge, and attitudes about pregnancy and contraception. We used anonymous self-completed questionnaires to collect relevant variables. Results showed that 46.4% of the studied 10th graders had correct knowledge and 58.8% had positive attitude. Gender, religion, the importance of religion, informed about contraception and pregnancy, and mother’s influence contributed to students’ knowledge and attitude. Relevant factors, especially having had access to information should be considered when implementing interventions to improve knowledge and attitude for high school students.

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