10. Clinical, sub-clinical characteristics and bacterial etiology of lobar pneumonia in children at the Department of General Pediatrics, E Hospital

Dao Thuy Quynh, Truong Van Quy, Nguyen Thi Huong, Le Van Manh, Chu Thi Thanh Hoa

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Lobar pneumonia is a common disease in children and can cause serious complications if not detected and treated timely. This was a prospective descriptive study on 125 patients from 2 months to 15 years old diagnosed with lobar pneumonia treated at the Department of General Pediatrics, E Hospital. Results: The average age of the study subjects was 62.4 ± 35.68 months. The male/female ratio was 1/1. The most common clinical symptoms were cough, fever, tachypnea, and rales. The location of damage on chest X-ray was usually the lower lobe of the right lung. Lobar pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae was 70.4%, followed by pneumococcus at 12%. Conclusion: Lobar pneumonia is a common disease in older children and is difficult to diagnose. Chest X-ray should be performed in all suspected cases to avoid missed diagnosis. The main causes of lobar pneumonia are Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Therefore, treatment with antibiotics should be the focus .

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