28. Satisfaction with Expanded Program on Immunization among people in Soc Son District, Hanoi

Duong Van Quan, Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang

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This study aimed to describe the satisfaction level with the Expanded Program on Immunization among people in Soc Son District, Hanoi. A cross-sectional was conducted on 776 people in Soc Son district, Hanoi from May 2023 to January 2024. The results showed that the overall satisfaction rate with the Expanded Program on Immunization was 86.2%; most participants were satisfied with the healthcare staff's attitude, waiting time, pre, during, and post-vaccination explanations, as well as vaccination areas; 54.9% of the study subjects had to stop participating the study due to vaccine shortages. Vaccination is a crucial element of primary healthcare, emphasizing the need to enhance vaccination quality and focus on community satisfaction.

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