8. Cosmetic surgery complications and treatment at the Department of Plastic and Cosmetic surgery, Bach Mai Hospital

Nguyen Hoang Dang, Phan Tuan Nghia, Pham Thi Viet Dung, Ta Thi Hong Thuy

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Aesthetic surgery has become more and more popular in Vietnam. However, the incidence of complications after Aesthetic surgery also increases in both quantity and severity. We have encountered many cases of complications after Aesthetic surgery, primarily due to non-professional factors, and there are no specific statistics on these cases in Vietnam. Therefore, we conducted this study to collect statistics on complications after Aestic surgery at the Department of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Bach Mai Hospital from January 2021 to December 2023. Out of 94 cases of complications, there were 62 cases suffer from complication in the head, face, and neck area (66.0%), in which, the complications in the nasal area were most common (42.6%). 51 cases (54.3%) of complications were performed by non-physicians, and 55 cases (58.5%) of complications occurred at unlicensed facilities. 37 cases (39.4%) of complicated cases caused by fillers which, and all substances are not licensed by the Ministry of Health. Among complications, infection was the most common with 49 cases (52.1%), and tissue necrosis and embolism with 15 cases (16.0%). Those complications are alarming and must be focused on by the health system in prevention.

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