10. Comparison of some gas exchange indicators measured by both non - invasive and invasive methods in patients with invasive mechanical ventilation

Do Khanh Ha, Tran Huyen Trang , Hoang Bui Hai

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The study aimed to evaluate the correlation between blood gas parameters in non-invasive and invasive arterial blood gas measurements in mechanically ventilated patients. A descriptive study was conducted from June 2023 to September 2023. The study collected data from 50 pairs of variables simultaneously in 35 patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation at the Department of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care of Hanoi Medical University Hospital. There was a good correlation observed between gPaO2, O2 Deficit and EtCO2 from non-invasive measurements when compared with PaO2, AaDO2 and PaCO2 in the arterial blood gases, with corelation coefficients of 0.83; 0.98 and 0.71, respectively. Bland - Altman analysis of gPaO2, EtCO2 parameters in non-invasive blood gas measurements compared to PaO2, PaCO2 in invasive arterial blood gas measurements showed good similarity, with Mean biases of -1.14 and 5.26, respectively. The percentage error was found to be 26.23% and 31.25%, respectively. In patients with invasive mechanical ventilation, this research suggested that the non-invasive blood gas measurement method had similarities and correlations in O2 partial pressure and CO2 partial pressure indices compared to measurements by invasive methods.

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