37. Current status of remote consultation and professional support activities for doctors and difficulties in implementation in various provinces
Main Article Content
The purpose of this cross-sectional descriptive study was to describe the current status of teleconsultation and remote professional support activities of doctors at 10 provincial/district hospitals in three provinces: Son La, Quang Ninh, and Ha Tinh. 217 doctors participated in this study from September 2021 to September 2022. The study results showed that remote consultations were regularly conducted on a weekly or monthly basis, or on an ad hoc basis in emergency cases or at the request of the referring hospital. The most frequently attended telemedicine activities by the study participants were case discussions and consultations, representing 81.6% of all activities. The advantages of remote consultations as perceived by doctors included the opportunity to update treatment methods (86.2%), timely resolution of difficult cases (77%), and the ability to provide reassurance to patients that they do not have to travel to higher-level hospitals (62.7%). The most frequently mentioned difficulties included the lack of legal responsibilities for referring doctors (54.5%), the role of lower-level doctors in medical incidents involving all parties (38.3%), and the lack of health insurance coverage for remote consultations (36.9%).
Article Details
Remote consultations, remote medical support
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