4. Characteristics of concurrent brain injury caused by road traffic accidents in Hanoi city through forensic examination in 2022-2023

Trinh Xuan Ha, Luu Sy Hung, Luu Thanh Thuy, Nguyen Duc Nhu

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The aims of the study are to describe the characteristics of traumatic brain injuries caused by road traffic accidents through forensic examination. Cross-sectional study on 300 victims who died from road traffic accidents with brain contusions examined at Department of Forensic Medicine of Hanoi Medical University and Department of Anatomy of Viet Duc University Hospital, and the Forensic Medicine Center Hanoi in 2022 - 2023. The subjects were mainly men (70%), age group 15 - 29 was the majority (41.3%), and the average age of the victims was 39.1 ± 18.9. Common causes of death were brain contusion and multiple injuries (45.7%), most victims die on the spot (64.0%) or only have a survival time of < 6 hours after the accident (16.3%)). Multifocal brain contusion accounts for 24.7%; Localized brain contusion and extensive brain contusion accounted for 7.3%. Road traffic accident victims were often injured at multiple locations (278/300) and the combined nature of injuries is 221/300). The most common type of brain injury is brain contusion at the affected area (266/300). There were 276/300 victims with skull fractures. The location of skull fractures was mainly in the temporal region (187/300), followed by the occipital region (167/300), the frontal region (144/300), and the posterior skull base (144/300).

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