7. Development of gene panel related to targeted treatment in Vietnamese lung cancer patients

Nguyen Thi Trang, Le Tu Linh, Dinh Van Luong, Nguyen Xuan Dai, Nguyen Hong Quang, Le Thi Minh Phuong

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Despite advancements in treatment, lung cancer continues to be a major contributor to global mortality. Tailoring treatment to individual patients using their sequencing data has shown to enhance symptom management and increase survival rates. Creating a gene panel, which is a compilation of crucial genes for diagnosis and treatment, is now a vital step in improving the efficacy of personalized lung cancer treatment. This study examines the COSMIC and CIVIC databases for gene mutations associated with lung cancer globally, and analyze the sequencing result of select patients at the Lung Hospital Center. Genetic mutations linked to targeted therapy were found in 43% of younger patients and 62% of older patients. Among the younger patients, the identified genetic mutations primarily involved driver genes, with EGFR at 28.6% and ALK at 14%. In contrast, older patients exhibited additional alterations such as KRAS at 24% and PIK3CA at 4%.

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