15. Response to dose-dense 4AC-4T regimen in neoadjuvant treatment of stage III breast cancer

Truong Thi Kieu Oanh, Vu Hong Thang, Bui Vinh Quang, Nguyen Huy Binh

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This descriptive study with longitudinal follow-up was conducted t evaluate the response to dose-dense 4AC-4T regimen in neoadjuvant treatment of stage III breast cancer at Viet Nam National Cancer Hospital and Ha Noi Oncology Hospital from January 2015 to December 2022. 211 patients were enrolled in the study with the mean age of 45.1 years old (range 26 – 65 years old). Stages IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC represented 55.5%, 28.9%, and 15.6%, respectively. Luminal B HER2 negative accounted for the highest rate: 40.3%; triple negative (20.4%); Luminal A (16.6%); HER2 positive (10.4%); Luminal B HER2 positive (7.6%). The overall response rate (ORR) reached 92.9%, of which the clinical complete response rate reached 18.0%. The pathological complete response (pCR) rate reached 24.2%. In conclusion, stage III breast cancer is highly responsive to the dose dense 4AC-4T regiment.

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