22. Evaluating the results of concurrent chemoradiotherapy using vmat technique for lower middle esophageal cancer

Nguyen Thanh Tung, Nguyen Van Hieu

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The study describes the outcomes of concurrent chemoradiotherapy using VMAT technique in 78 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the mid-to-lower esophagus, stage II-IVA, treated at Vietnam National cancer hospital from January 2022 to December 2023. The aim was to depict clinical and paraclinical characteristics, assess treatment response, dose parameters, and toxicity of this protocol. The average age was 56.5 ± 5.9 years, with the majority in stage III. The overall response rate after radiotherapy was 34.2%. Dosimetric parameters such as D2, D98, and V95 dose coverage (93.96 - 98.20%) as well as V105% overdose (4.7 - 10.2%) of the VMAT technique were greater than other methods. Doses to ORAS were below recommended levels. 26 patients underwent surgery after radiotherapy, with 100% achieving R0 resection. Histopathological response post-surgery showed a better result comparing to other methods. Hematological, pulmonary, and dermatological toxicities were mild, with no cardiac complication. Concurrent chemoradiotherapy using VMAT technique demonstrated good outcomes and mild toxicity.

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