12. The relation between plasma Troponin I levels with some clinical, subclinical characteristics in patients with chronic heart failure

Nguyen Duy Toan, Do Tuan Anh, Doan Van Dung

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Troponin is a specific biomarker for myocardial damage. The objective of our study was to investigate plasma Troponin I levels in chronic heart failure patients and find the relationship between Troponin I levels and some clinical, subclinical characteristics in chronic heart failure patients. The cross-sectional study on 123 chronic heart failure patients showed that mean Troponin I levels were 112.85 ± 312.38 pg/ml, median value was 35.50 pg/ml. 62.60% of patients had Troponin I elevation. Troponin I levels increased with NYHA class, had relation with moderate positive correlation with NT-proBNP levels (r = 0.43; p < 0.05), slight positive correlation with LVDs (r = 0.23, p < 0.05) and PAPs (r = 0.19, p < 0.05), negative correlation with LVEF % (r = -0.26, p < 0.05).There was no correlation between Troponin I levels with age, gender, etiology of heart failure, eGFR.

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