36. The situation of working motivation of medical doctors at Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2023

Khuong Thi Tra My, Nguyen Huu Thang, Nguyen Van Hoat, Nguyen Thanh Van

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Medical doctors’ work motivation is a crucial aspect of effective human resource management that need to be emphasized more. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 115 doctors to describe doctors’ working motivation at Hanoi Medical University Hospital in 2023. The findings indicated that 70.43% of the doctors demonstrated high work motivation with an average score of (3.70 ± 0.46). The “Health” factor has 33.04% of doctors motivated to work, the lowest among the 07 factors affected work motivation. “Timeliness and attendance” and “Conscientiousness” were the highest in 07 factors with 82.61% of doctors having work motivation.

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