33. Evaluation of Tuberculosis incidence in High-Risk Groups through Active Tuberculosis Screening at Tam Duong and Binh Xuyen districts from Vinh Phuc province
Main Article Content
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading communicable diseases affecting worldwide mortality. Vinh Phuc, a province in the Red River Delta and part of the Hanoi capital planning area, with many industrial parks and a convenient transportation system, was transformed into a hub for trade between the Northern midlands, mountainous regions, and Hanoi. Therefore, proactive detection of TB in the community is extremely necessary. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 1100 subjects in Tam Duong districts(from October 2020 to November 2020) and Binh Xuyen districts(from November 2022 to December 2022). The results showed that the tuberculosis infection rate in Binh Xuyen district was 3.1% and Tam Duong district was 2.5%. The rate of pulmonary TB with microbiological evidence was 2%, while pulmonary TB without microbiological evidence was 0.8%. Male were found to be at higher risk of tuberculosis than female. There is a correlation between chest X-ray lesions, clinical symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis, and bacteriological evidence of tuberculosis.
Article Details
Tuberculosis, prevalence and factors associated with tuberculosis infection
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