Comparison of embryo results in in-vitro fertilization between progestin-primed ovarian stimulation and GNRH-Antagonist protocol at Tam Anh General Hospital

Do Thi Thu Trang, Do Tuan Dat, Le Hoang, Giap Thi Mai Phuong, Phi Thi Tu Anh, Le Duc Thang, Nguyen Phuc Hieu, Pham Thi Anh

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A retrospective study was conducted on 730 infertile women undergoing IVF, divided into two groups: PPOS with dydrogesterone (n = 365) and GnRH-ant (n = 365), to compare the effectiveness and safety of these protocols. There was no significant difference in baseline characteristics (age, BMI, AMH, AFC) between the two study groups. The number of good-quality day-3 embryos (4.85 ± 3.8 vs. 4.89 ± 3.52, p = 0.666), oocytes, mature (MII) oocytes, day-3 embryos, and blastocysts obtained were comparable between both groups. Total FSH dose also did not differ. However, the estradiol level on the hCG trigger day was significantly higher in the PPOS group . No moderate to severe OHSS cases were recorded in either group. The PPOS protocol using dydrogesterone yields similar outcomes as the GnRH-ant protocol in terms of oocyte and embryo quantity and quality. In conclusion, PPOS is a safe, convenient stimulation protocol and may be an effective alternative to GnRH-ant in IVF.

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