Knowledge of nursing practices in preventing urinary infection in patients with urinary catheters at Hanoi Medical University Hospital

Nguyen Thi Thuy, Nguyen Thi Son, Truong Quang Trung, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien

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A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 215 nurses practicing in clinical departments at Hanoi Medical University Hospital to describe the level of knowledge and attitude toward nursing practice at Hanoi Medical University Hospital on preventing urinary tract infections in patients with urinary catheters. The study results showed that nurses had high knowledge and positive attitudes toward preventing urinary tract infections with an average score of 125 ± 7.31 and 59.76 ± 5.91 which are equivalent to 83%. There is a negative relationship between age and knowledge scores, meaning that older nurses have low knowledge score. Meanwhile, there is a positive relationship between the number of times nurses take care of patients with urinary catheters and knowledge scores, meaning that the knowledge score are higher when nurses have more practice of taking care of these patients,. Also, it showed a strong and positive relationship between knowledge scores and attitude scores. However, there is still lacking of some knowledge from nurses and/ or that their attitude is not positive in preventing urinary tract infections.

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