Evaluating the diagnostic performance of the STANDARDTM F Influenza A/B FIA
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Rapid diagnosis of influenza is crucial for initiating early treatment, and patient isolation to prevent virus spreading within the community. This study evaluated the performance of the STANDARDTM F Influenza A/B FIA digital kit using the automatic fluorescence reading analyzer. We tested the kit with 150 nasopharyngeal swab samples, including 50 influenza A virus-positive samples, 50 influenza B virus-positive samples, and 50 negative samples confirmed by real-time RT-PCR. Results showed that the sensitivity of the Standard F influenza A/B FIA test for flu A and B samples were 92% and 96%, respectively. We further specifically evaluated two common subtypes of influenza A virus including H1N1 and H3N2 and found the sensitivity to be 86.36% and 91.67%, respectively. The specificity for all subtypes also reached 100%. Based on the aforementioned results, the STANDARDTM F Influenza A/B FIA kit demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of influenza, thus is applicable for routine practice.
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influenza A virus, influenza B virus, sensitivity, specificiy, STANDARDTM F Influenza A/B FIA
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