Preoperative anxiety and related factors in patients before brain tumor surgery at Viet Duc University Hospital
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A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 301 patients with brain tumor before operation at Viet Duc University Hospital from October 2023 to February 2024 to describe the anxiety status of patients before brain tumor surgery and identify related factors. The result of this research revealed that the average age of the study participants was 50.51 ± 15.39 years old, with the youngest being 18 and the oldest being 82 years old. Signs of anxiety before surgery was observed in 35.5% of patients. Multiple linear regression shown that higher Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire scores, lower Multi-Dimensional Support Scale scores, income below 5 million VND, lack of or out-of-network health insurance and younger age were independent predictors of preoperative anxiety. Among these, higher Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire scores were the strongest predicted of patients’ anxiety.
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Surgery, brain tumor, anxiety
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