Evaluation of the treatment of patients with closed complicated femoral shaft fractures using sign nail at Viet Duc hospital

Vũ Trường Thịnh, Lê Mai Dương Ngọc, Long Triều Trần Minh, Xuân Thùy Nguyễn, Le Viet Thong

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Interlocking intramedullary nailing method is the widely used method and it has been proven to be effective in the treatment of complicated femoral shaft fractures. This research was conducted to describe and evaluate the results of treatment using SIGN nails on 48 patients who were diagnosed with complicated femoral shaft fractures; patients underwent combined bone surgery using interlocking intramedullary nails at Viet Duc Hospital from June 2018 to December 2019. This retrospective and prospective descriptive study is con - ducted to evaluate patients health status after the intervention. The results showed that the majority of patients were men (66.7%), traffic accidents were the main cause (75%). First stage wound healing were 97.9%, slow bone healing was seen in 1/48 patient (2.1%); The percentage of restored hip mobility patients was 100%, 12.5% had slightly limited knee motion; 97.9% did not have thigh muscle atrophy, no patient had short limbs. The shortest healing time was 8 weeks, the longest was 16 weeks. Postoperative recovery results were 75% very good, 20.8% good, 4.2% average and 0% poor. To conclude, the treatment of complicated femoral shaft fractures with intramedullary SIGN nails brings out good results in bone healing rate, functional recovery and minimum complications; this procedure allows surgeons to have additional options in treating patients with femoral shaft fractures.

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