Rate of readmission for acute exacerbation chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and associated risk factors

Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Chu Thi Hanh

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Acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) is an important event in the process of COPD. We conducted this study to identify the rate of readmissions for AECOPD and the factors responsible for the repeated admissions for AECOPD. We conducted a prospective study of 122 patients with COPD admitted for acute exacerbations in the Respiratory Center – Bach Mai Hospital from Jan 2018 to August 2019. Patients whose condition was stable on discharge, were evaluated for clinical features and subclinical indicators. Patients were followed up for a period of 12 months to evaluate the rate of readmissions for acute COPD exacerbations. Data were analyzed by SPSS16.0 software with descriptive statistics and multivariate regression analysis to assess the relationship between risk factors and readmissions from acute exacerbations. Results showed that there were 113 patients with 142 readmissions for AECOPD over a follow - up period of 12 months. Of these patients, 54.9% had at least one readmission during this period. Prior hospitalization history, BMI < 20, CAT score ≥ 10, and eosinophil rate ≤ 2% were all associated with re - admission (p < 0,05). Factors which independently predict readmission rates are prior admission for exacerbations within one year (OR = 0,38; 95% CI: 0,16 - 0,903; p = 0,029) and BMI < 20 (OR = 0,419; 95% CI: 0,174 - 1.008; p = 0,05). COPD readmissions were common. Previous exacerbations admissions and BMI < 20 were risk factors for repeat hospitalization.

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