The clinical characteristics of motor tics of tourette’s syndrome

Tran Nguyen Ngoc

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Our cross-sectional study aims to describe the clinical characteristics of motor Tics in Vietnamese children diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome. A total of 77 subjects who had a final diagnosis of Tourette syndrome were eligible for final analysis at the Psychiatric Clinic of Vietnam National Children’s Hospital between August 2020 and August 2021. Most tics had an onset at ≤ 7 years old (62.3%) and the least common tics were at > 11 years old (1.3%). Most children were diagnosed with tics between the ages of 8 and 11 (55.8%). There were 18/20 children presenting with simple motor tics at the time of diagnosis. The most common occurrence was winking (87%), followed by smirk (32.5%), head shaking and shoulder jerking (with 27.3%) and nose wrinkling (20.8%). There were 2/21 complex motor tic manifestations, with the most common manifestations being body twisting (2.6%) and panting (1,3%). Preliminary result shows that typical manifestations in Tourette’s syndrome in Vietnamese children appears very early, which are the premise for early and suitable intervention during postnatal period.

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