Clincal and histological features of uveal melanoma

Bui Dao Quan, Hoang Anh Tuan, Tham Truong Khanh Van, Ngyen Quoc Anh

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Although uveal malignant melanoma (UMM) is a rare disease, it is the most common major intraocular tumor in adults and has a high risk of metastasis. Researching clinical features and histopathology of UMM is very important to improve diagnosis, detection, and treatment of the disease at an early stage to avoid complications. We conducted this study to describe UMM clinical and histopathological characteristics found in Vietnam. For small MBD, the rate of metastasis over 10 years was 29.8% for small tumors, 49% for medium size, and 49.2% for large tumors. When the tumor has metastasized, the patient had on average less than 7 months to live. The 5 - year survival rate of the disease was 62%. There are many factors that affect the viability of a patient with uveal melanoma. In the world, there have been many studies on UMM regarding diagnostic methods, treatment methods, and prognosis of patients of different races. In Vietnam, there are currently no studies on UMM. Treatment of UMM in Vietnam is mainly by surgery, but there is no assessment on the results of treatment.

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