Nutritional status of patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery: A cross-sectional study at a single centre

Tran Hieu Hoc, Nguyen Duy Hieu, Pham Van Phu, Tran Thu Huong, Tran Que Son

Main Article Content


Malnutrition is closely related to the outcome of disease treatment, especially in digestive cancer surgery. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional condition of pre-operative patients with upper digestive cancers (including stomach and oesophagus) at the Department of General Surgery, Bach Mai Hospital in 2016. We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive analysis of 76 malignancies of the upper gastrointestinal tract with surgical treatments. The results revealed that the weight loss rate of hospitalized patients with gastric cancer and esophageal cancer was 76.6% and 66.7%, respectively. The rate of weight loss above 10% of body weight was 19.7%. The prevalence of chronic energy deficit was 29.9%. The risk of malnutrition according to SGA was 77.6%, of which mild to moderate and severe was 67.2% and 10.4%, respectively. The rate of low blood albumin level (less than 35 g/L) was 36.5%. The average net nutritional value was 1146.3 ± 592.7 Kcal (range 246.7 – 3653.5), which equals to 55.7% of the necessary daily intake. Protein, lipid, and glucid contents reached 73.4%, 57.8%, and 52.1% of the recommended levels, respectively. Conclusion: malnutrition was still prevalent among patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery, and pre-operative nutritional status does not achieve recommended levels.

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Author Biographies

Tran Hieu Hoc,

1 Department of General Surgery, Bachmai hospital; No. 78 Giaiphong Road, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam

2 Department of Surgery, Hanoi Medical University; No. 1 Ton That Tung, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Nguyen Duy Hieu,

Department of Nutrition, VietDuc hospital. No. 40 Trang Thi, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Pham Van Phu,

Department of Nutrition & Food Safety, Institute for preventive medicine and public health, Hanoi Medical University. No. 1 Ton That Tung, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Tran Thu Huong,

Department of Pharmacology, Bachmai hospital. No. 78 Giaiphong Road, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tran Que Son,

1 Department of General Surgery, Bachmai hospital; No. 78 Giaiphong Road, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam

2 Department of Surgery, Hanoi Medical University; No. 1 Ton That Tung, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam.


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